Created by Physicians, For Physicians
Let a world-class pension take care of you while you’re busy taking care of others.
Our Mission is to Help Physicians Reach Retirement Goals Faster
We are a group of physicians who recognized that traditional financial strategies weren’t enough for the current changing environment. By the time most of us learn or get around to having a sound strategy, we often wish we had started sooner.
Benefits of the Canadian Physicians’ Pension Plan (CPPP)
- Start retirement savings early
- Financial safety net for physicians and their family
- Multiple tax-efficient features
- Intergenerational wealth transfer
- Wide spectrum of investment assets
- Predictable retirement income
- Economies of scale
- Enhanced flexibility – leverage group benefit while preserving individuality
Reach Retirement Goals Faster
Retire Earlier with More Money
Canadian Physicians' Pension Plan- Defined benefit (DB)
- Defined contribution (DC)
- Transfer pention to spouse and children “intergenerational Wealth Transfer”
- Structured, stable, organized pension
- Management fees deductible from corporate income
- Maximizing tax deductions
- Taking advantage of a market correction
- Additional voluntary Account contribution
- Insurance vehicle as an asset within the pension plan
- Personalized voice within the pension plan (ability to choose portfolio structure)
- Can leave the group pension without losing the pension registration
- Flexibility to increase/reduce contributions as needed
- Provides for diversification from stock markets
Multi Employer Pension Plan- Defined benefit (DB)
- Defined contribution (DC)
- Transfer pension to spouse and children “intergenerational Wealth Transfer”
- Structured, stable, organized pension
- Management fees deductible from corporate income
- Maximizing tax deductions
- Taking advantage of a market correction
- Additional voluntary Account contribution
- Insurance vehicle as an asset within the pension plan
- Personalized voice within the pension plan (ability to choose portfolio structure)
- Can leave the group pension without losing the pension registration
- Flexibility to increase/reduce contributions as needed
- Provides for diversification from stock markets